This wishful thinking didn't last long, however, as the beginning frame of the adaptation was displayed across my screen. And so, I tried to go in with an open mind, hoping that maybe the staff found themselves while adapting this and recaptured their former glory as a studio. I reminded myself that they had created some decent stuff in the last 5 years, choosing to ignore the more recent history of butchered doujin adaptations. It took a long moment before I found the resolve to look further into the adaptation.

The reality that I was confronted with was a familiar cover, a recreation of the cover image of my favorite doujinshi sitting under the label 'succubus stayed life 1' My hopes that I was mistaken were soon dashed, as my shitty connection finally began loading the images on the webpage. At first, I couldn't think of why it was familiar, maybe somewhere I knew, but didn't want to acknowledge the growing feeling of anxiety rooted deep in my stomach. In this instance it was not for my love of succubi that I paused, no, it was because I recognized that title - that strangely worded but unarguably memorable title. let myself get drawn in by the artwork on the cover, but this time I couldn't help but pause.
#Succubus stayed life 2 series
Now, ordinarily, I don't think twice about the title of any given series and just It was to my dismay to find that, on the front page of the website in the recently uploaded section, a hentai by the name of 'succubus stayed life 1' was there waiting. So there I was, sitting there on an ordinary Saturday night, trying to find some hentai that was worth my time, when I thought I might as well mosey on over to where I have had luck in the past at finding decent material. This was written at 4am, so I can't guarantee that it makes perfect sense. But after you're done, I'd also recommend you check out some of Pink Pineapple's older work.

If you're in the mood for a bit of light fun, then you should definitely give this a try. It's certainly not the best hentai out there, but neither does it have any seriously poor qualities. Overall, I would say I enjoyed Succubus Stayed Life. This anime also makes use of a narrator, which I think helped add a bit of style to the voice acting. All the voices are clear and emotive, and they don't clash against any of the background/environmental noise. Ultimately, I prefer Pink Pineapple's older art style, but that is a matter of personal taste. That being said, I did get used to it after a bit, and some of the frames do still look good. The angles are too sharp and the bodies have an almost paper-like aesthetic. It's certainly unique, but I find it rather unappealing. The art style in Succubus Stayed life is the same as Pink Pineapples other work. Like the creators of this anime, the artwork has a certain dualistic quality. That being said, I would still have appreciated a few more character-building moments. Despite having very similar designs, I think their personalities were good enough that I felt like I got to know them. And then the final girl is introduced in the second episode. There is also a girl who appears in the first episode, but doesn't really do anything till the next one. One of them, the first one introduced, is sort of the "main girl", and I found her to be pleasant enough. Instead, why don't we talk about the characters? Really the only ones with any substance are the three girls. The main character lives with a succubus. now that I think about it, I guess there really isn't a story. Anyway, let's just get started with this sucker (pun very much intended). But on the other hand, their more recent work has been so. On the one hand, they have produced a lot of decent hentai over the years. Pink Pineapple is a studio I have very conflicted feelings about. I haven't read the source material though, so this review will only concern it's quality as an OVA, not an adaptation. As you can probably guess by the title, this is an adaptation of a doujin. Succubus Stayed Life The Animation is an OVA series by Pink Pineapple.